Revisionist History Ep.3 – Threshold: why do smart people do dumb things?
In modern globalized society, most of the people are under the influence of others, though others didn’t intend to affect one another. In the podcast ‘Revisionist History episode 3: The Big Man Can’t Shoot’, Malcolm Gladwell mentions Wilt Chamberlin, one of the renowned basketball player as an example of who made a stupid choice because of other’s eyes. Wilt Chamberlin was perfect basketball player except for one defect that he was poor at shoot free throws. In 1962, he could fix his only flaw by making his shots to underhand shots, which guaranteed the much higher rate of success and made him the basketball legend. However, he switched his shooting style back again, marring his splendid career; it was because others he was aware of the way others are looking at him. He renounced to be excellent because people remarked that underhand shot seems like a granny and looks silly, and there were no many basketball players who use underhand shots. It’s about the ...